March ePortfolio Blog
Community Service Hours Completed this Month: 0 Total Community Service Hours Completed: 3 March was a good month! Socially this month encompassed my birthday and visits from friends and family, which all gave me a very much needed serotonin boost, but put into perspective the time left in this program and ultimately New Orleans and the impending decisions that need to be made about my next steps. In terms of coursework, this month focused on the neurology and psychopharmacology modules, which were very interesting in various ways. Firstly, psychopharmacology is such a complex subject in that it really gets in to how the physiological, biological and chemical ongoings of an individual result in varying psychological and behavioral manifestations unlike the highly physical conditions we've previously discussed. And because this realm of medical conditions are highly subjective and typed as disorders, which make determining pathophysiology difficult, developing and managing treatmen...