September ePortfolio Blog
The end of September represents the first full month I have spent at Tulane and in New Orleans and I have truly enjoyed the start of my time here. The pharmacology program is very holistic in the way it was curated to make sure its students get a full education as well as rounding out the other qualities of potential dental, medical or PhD applications like opportunities for community service and research as well. While I have not yet started my community service requirement, I have enjoyed what I have learned in the classroom whether in the form of classwork, student presentations or faculty/visitor research seminars. My most favorite experience to date was the last unit of med pharm which encompassed drugs ranging from antifungals, antivirals, anti-HIV, and antibiotics. It was so interesting to learn not only because it’s a preview into my prospective future career as a physician, but I have always gone through life taking various medicines and understanding the end goal and effect, but now learning the mechanism of actions and all it takes within your body for the drug to achieve its efficacy makes me appreciate the advancement of medicine even more as well gain a better understanding of the potential mild to severe adverse effects of simply taking too much of a drug like acetaminophen or even the consequences of unintentionally combining contraindicated medications. Although the volume and difficulty of information I have learned has been challenging at times, I cannot wait to see what else is in store.
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