May ePortfolio Blog

Community service hours completed in May: 4 hours

Community service hours completed in total: 24 hours

This past weekend I completed my community service hours finishing out my total hours required. This also represents the last requirement before I graduate which is very much bittersweet as I will miss my time in this program for multiple reasons as I enjoyed the friends I made and the experiences I had in New Orleans as well as academically getting a peak into medical school as I fully enjoyed getting to learn more of what pharmacology was which is going to be so useful later in my schooling and career, but also in my every day life. I think my most favorite parts of the program were of course the content, but also things that pushed me out of my comfort zone like all the various presentations we did which made me a better and more confident presenter and aided my better understanding of scientific research articles. I will be staying in New Orleans following graduation working as a scribe these next few months and studying for the MCAT which I will be taking within the next year and applying in two cycles for medical school. I am excited to see what life offers following graduation and thank you to all the professors and office staff of the pharmacology for the help along the way during my time here.


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